Friday, July 18, 2008

My Papa's gone :(

I simply have not gotten over the loss of my dear sweet Papa Cave. I don't know that I ever will... I cry several times a week, overcome with waves of emotion. My loss has been very difficult for me. I have learned a hard lesson, I totally regret not going to see him more. I didn't realize that the drive to Oklahoma could be made in a day...had I, I would have gone at least once each year, and huged and kissed him again and again. Oh, how I loved my sweet Papa. If only I could turn back the clock, I would! Sometimes, we don't know what we've got, until it's gone...but the many memories I do have of him run deep in my heart and in my soul. So, for myself I will say...take time to make the memories, time goes by...with or without us, remember the important people in your life...and in your kids lives..and make time for your relationships...THAT, you WON'T EVER REGRET!


Nicole Cave said...

Yes, I agree, there are certain things and people that we need to spend time with while we can. I find it hard to balance everything though. I guess we all just do the very best we can and look forward and be greatful to reunite with them again someday. I don't think we should feel regretful...I think it brings us down...we just have to look forward and be thankful for the journey!! I have been trying to have different grandparents over ( I am sure you read about that on my blog) so that my kids will remember them. I do think it is important and I am glad Ashton was able to be at CH's funeral.